Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Race To The Bottom

Yet another example of the dehumanizing effects of globalization in this article about the laborers in India who make manhole covers for the city of New York.

In today's economy, human lives have little value. If a worker gets sick, dies, or is injured because of an injury on the job, companies feel they have no responsibility to that person or their families. In today's world, all the workers in places like India and China are expendable. Nothing trumps the almighty dollar.

Increasingly, you and I are expendable, too. Over the last several years, protections for workers in the US have been steadily eroded by various business lobbies in Washington. Programs designed to assist the poor with job training are slowly dying because of funding cuts. Fewer and fewer of the new jobs being created in the US pay a wage a person can live off of. More and more people are forced to work two or three jobs in order to get by.

What we see happening to the workers in India and China is what will soon be happening to all of us if we don't force Congress to reign in corporate America.

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